The Marines & Rangers Handbook

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

The Marines, Rangers and Handbook, is wide-ranging book on Marine and Ranger combat techniques. Topics covered included; Protective Measures, Entrenchments, Camouflage, Scouting and Patrolling and Interpretation Of Signs. Additionally it will discuss about Rangers, their Squad Tactics on displacement, Staining, General Rules, Combat techniques, Weapons used, Strategies and Strategic Thinking.

The details..

The Marines, Rangers and C-4 Car bomb Handbook is a comprehensive guide to military defensive operations. This handbook covers topics such as the construction of foxholes and trenches; proper methods of blending with one's surroundings; deception techniques; hideouts from aerial observation; staining procedures when tracking enemies; squad tactics during combat situations; weapons used in battle scenarios; strategic thinking processes for successful outcomes.

In addition to these general means of camouflaging oneself, there are several important rules which must be followed if one wishes to remain undetected by their opponents. These include picking out a position that takes advantage of the terrain's tactical benefits while avoiding over-camouflage or looking up from your position too often. Other tips involve never throwing down cigarettes but rather pinching them out before scattering tobacco shreds around so no clues will be left behind.

The Marine Ranger's Handbook also offers advice on displacement techniques through footprints or foliage manipulation along with stain removal practices that can help track enemy movements without leaving any traceable evidence behind. Furthermore it contains detailed instructions regarding individual conduct during attacks along with squad tactics which should be employed depending on the situation.

Overall this manual serves as an invaluable source of knowledge for anyone involved in military defense operations who wants to stay safe yet still have success against their adversaries using proven tactics backed by years of experience.

Resource Info

Page count: 18
Size: 139kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available